Dr. Natalia Chaudhry

I am serving as an Assistant Professor at Department of Software Engineering, PUCIT, University of the Punjab, Lahore. I obtained my PhD and MPhil in Computer Science from PUCIT, University of the Punjab and BS (Hons) in Computer Science from Kinnaird College for Women University Lahore. My areas of interest include distributed computing, databases, data management, spatial data processing, and data science.

Curriculum Vitae
Google scholar profile

Natalia Chaudhry

Address:  Second Floor, Graduate Block, PUCIT, University of the Punjab, Old Campus, Lahore, Pakistan.
Phone: +92 111-923-923 Ext: 539
Email: natalia.chaudhry@pucit.edu.pk

Research Publications

  • Chaudhry, Natalia, and Muhammad Murtaza Yousaf. "Exploiting hashing for concurrent query processing and indexing of current location of moving objects" Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (2024):.. online

  • Chaudhry, Natalia, and Muhammad Murtaza Yousaf. "A hash-based index for processing frequent updates and continuous location-based range queries" Knowledge and Information Systems(2023):.. online

  • Chaudhry, Natalia, and Muhammad Murtaza Yousaf. "Concurrency control for real-time and mobile transactions: Historical view, challenges, and evolution of practices." Concurrency and computation practice and experience (2021):.. online

  • Chaudhry, Natalia, and Muhammad Murtaza Yousaf. "Architectural assessment of NoSQL and NewSQL systems." Distributed and Parallel Databases 38.4 (2020): 881-926.. online

  • Chaudhry, Natalia, Muhammad Murtaza Yousaf, and Muhammad Taimoor Khan. "Security assessment of data management systems for cyber physical system applications." Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 32.2 (2020): e2241. online

  • Chaudhry, Natalia, Yousaf, Muhammad Murtaza, and Khan, Muhammad Taimoor. ‘Indexing of Real Time Geospatial Data by IoT Enabled Devices: Opportunities, Challenges and Design Considerations’. 1 Jan. 2020 : 281 – 312. online

  • Chaudhry, Natalia, and Muhammad Murtaza Yousaf. "Consensus algorithms in blockchain: comparative analysis, challenges and opportunities." 2018 12th International Conference on Open Source Systems and Technologies (ICOSST). IEEE, 2018. online

  • Chaudhry, Natalia, and Muhammad Murtaza Yousaf. "Spatial querying of mineral resources using PostGIS." 2019 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Computational Sciences (ICACS). IEEE, 2019. online

  • Chaudhry, Natalia, and Kh M. Umar Suleman. "IP Camera Based Video Surveillance Using Object’s Boundary Specification." International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (IJITCS) 8.8 (2016): 13-22. online

  • Chaudhry, Natalia, and Rabia Sirhindi "An Authentication Scheme for SIP using Needham Schroeder Authentication Protocol." International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security(IJCSN), Volume 3, Issue 4. online

  • Chaudhry, Natalia, et al. "A, M.,“Integrating Case-Based Reasoning and Tabu Search for University Makeup Class Scheduling”." Journal of Applied Enviromental and Biological Sciences 4.9S (2014): 36-44. online
  • Education

    PhD Computer Science, PUCIT, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 2023
    M.Phil Computer Science, PUCIT, University of the Punjab, 2017
    BS in Computer Science, Kinnaird College for Women University, 2015


    2023Software Re-engineering Software Requirement Engineering
    2022Software Quality Assurance Parallel and Distributed Computing
    2021Software Quality Assurance Introduction to parallel programming
    2020Object Oriented Programming CMP-244-3
    Object Oriented Programming Lab CMP-245-1
    Programming Fundamentals CMP-140-3
    2019Object Oriented Programming CMP-244-3
    Object Oriented Programming Lab CMP-245-1